the official website for the South Florida Artist
Canvas Prints
The next best thing to owning originals are Signed, Limited Edition, Canvas prints.

Limited Edition Canvas prints are museum quality canvas reproductions also called giclee signed by the artist in silver and come with certificates of autheticity. Some series are individually detailed by hand, highlighting colors in each slightly to give each print a unique quality on to itself. They ship unframed, directly from my studios to the destination of your choice.

Great Features of LE Canvas prints:

  • Collectable quality museum canvas prints.

  • Available in any proportion size to the original or can be custom cropped to fit any space or size requested or pull out areas of the originals artist approval required.

  •  Rich vibrant rich colors and hand detailed by Delara they are practically indistinguishable from the originals they were created from yet being unique individually.

  • Ordering is as easy using PayPal. wherw your preferred method of payment is available.

Great Features of Framed LE Canvas prints:

Framed prints can fit any decor and allows you to change frames after a while.

Priced to sell, LE canvas prints make great gifts that cannot be found anywhere else. Just about any image on my website can be reproduced by with our special techniques, shipped or installed. Here is your chance to own amazing art at a once in a lifetime price!

Specialized installations bring the artists' positive energy directly into your spaces

One of my experiences was working as a commercial wallpaper installer. Traveling to many fine places to do custom premium covering installations in materials such as fine silks, fine leathers and suade. I learned, from some of the best in the world, to master the installation of just about any material to any type of wall from a young age. 

You can easily see how the idea of installing my work directly on walls was a No-Brainer. I like to offer the installation options because it allows for maximum creative possibilities and versatility in artistic expression and for my client visions.

Designers can infuse the full impact of my artistry to merge with their architectural energy and vision to create an immersive art lifestyle space with impact and style.

Amazing "wallpapered" canvas mural installations bring you and your guest completely into the artwork like never before. Unlike framed artwork this type of installation allows you the freedom to furnish your entire space around your favorite JDS Image on your wall or floor. Combine the wall installation with a custom tile design, and you can literally walk into and onto the artwork, creating a warm surreal feeling. It takes the artist positive energy and flow direct into the space. Beautiful!

Art is an amazing gift for any occasion...

I like to think I have artwork to match any mood, or can create something custom to fit any room or decor in any space. Click on:  Creative Uses to see more ideas.

Click on any image

Alternative Creative Installation Solutions
Custom Wall Art Tiles



Tribal Fires

Canvas Print to fit any size




Original Artworks


Custom Art Tile wall wirh orange grout.


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